Monday, January 16, 2012

More than Mickey

I just got back from the INCM Children's Pastors Conference in Orlando. I can truly say it was a life changing experience. Here are just a few of the lessons that stayed with me from the conference:

-Which are you? A fan of Jesus or a follower?
-It's the church's job to turn America around, not the government
-God didn't give us the Bible so that we could turn the stories into wallpaper borders.
-Take up your cross daily.
-We can't save the world.. we just work for the one person who can.
-We should remain teachable so that we are usable.
-No one has more potential to influence a child's relationship with God than a parent.
-Our God is a God of restoration.
-What happens at home is more important that what happens at Church.
-We need one another.
-When Jesus calls us to something, we have a choice. When we follow Him.. we will be opposed 100% of the time. This is not to discourage, but to build our Faith.

Thursday, November 24, 2011


the quality or feeling of being grateful or thankful

a wonderful hubby to love and cherish - he is my best friend. nothing is real until he knows about it. a daughter that makes me smile when she walks in the room. her giving heart, her sense of humor, her uniqueness, her laugh, her big brown eyes that are so wise.

our doggie - ginny mac, aka mac attack, mins, minnie, gins. her cute little ears, her bark, my little running buddy. how she loves to hunt down my socks.

our family - here and there and everywhere. love them so much. i am blessed to know them and to be loved by them.

our friends - trust. kindness. love. laughter. honesty. support. faith. more than i could ask for.

our jobs - security, prosperity, friends, gifts, opportunity, laughter, smiles.

our church family - a jumble of ages that teach me so much.

our home - safe, warm, happy, busy, full of love.

our health - energy, movement, joy.

our country - freedom.

God - through all blessings flow.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

A Clean Heart

One of my daily prayers is to ask God to create in me a "clean heart." Each morning I pray for forgiveness... I make mistakes, some intentional and some unintentional. I get upset, I find myself judging those I care for, taking things personally.. these are things I am not proud of, and struggle with. I pray for forgiveness and for wisdom to not repeat these patterns.

I pray for peace in my mind, body, and spirit so that I may be a light that will shine, not someone who carries darkness with her.

We all have those moments in our life where we are plundered into the darkness. We find ourselves behaving or having thoughts that we do not want to have. We all crave Joy and Peace, and bring Love to everyone we meet.

"Dear Heavenly Father,
I come to you broken. Thank you Lord for loving me just as I am. I ask you for forgiveness and help in forgiving myself. I pray for my heart, that you will create in me a clean spirit that is a magnet for Your divine love and peace. Let Your light shine through me in my walks and my talks. In Jesus name I pray, Amen."

Wednesday, October 19, 2011


Sometimes you just need a good cry. Yesterday was one of those days for me. Nothing was specifically wrong, just felt sort of overwhelmed and needed a release.

Crying in the car. Mascara everywhere. Rain pouring down. It was probably a very pitiful scene.

Once I calmed down, I started praying for comfort. I prayed and prayed for God's comfort to envelop me. Soon I felt better.

Later, at Church, a kind friend (a very active member of our congregation) came into the office where I was working. She handed me a bag and said it was "for me." Inside was a beautiful throw blanket with a pumpkin and the words "Autumn Blessings" on it.

Immediately I realized that this was the gift of comfort from God that I had been praying for all day.

Sometimes we wait for prayers to be answered, and wonder why we have to wait for so long. And then other times the Lord gives you exactly what you prayed for.. maybe not in the way you expected. I pray that each of us is aware of the gifts of answered and unanswered prayers that the Lord provides us each and every day.